Your very own shop!

by - January 14, 2016

Those who know me are aware what a big shopaholic I am. I can shop anytime, everytime. I have so much stuff that I have simply run out of space in my home and the closet clutter is eating my head! I buy trending items and usually wear one outfit once a year. There are hundreds of things in my closet that haven't seen light of the day for years. That is why I intend to sell my things online. I was hunting for options when I stumbled across

A small part of my closet... I need to sell my items to prevent everything from overflowing!

This site is where anyone can become an entrepreneur. It is an online marketplace where you can start a small business. You can create online shop and make money online!

Who all can sell on
Companies and Brands, freelancers, individuals and everyone!
What can you sell?
Products, services, rentals and everything!
What all you get?
A free website, free online shop, free facebook shop, classified Ad section and a running business network.

 How much does it cost to use
The basic version is free. Users are open to an unlimited amount of sales with no commission taken for transactions. All the earnings go directly to sellers. However you have an option to upgrade your showroom to a premium account at a nominal fee. You can open more than one showroom and sell in more than one language.

To sum up is for all the people who dream of becoming entrepreneurs and set up their own business but don't have the money or infrastructure to do so. So the easiest way out is to venture into a free online marketplace create a free online shop and make money online!

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  1. I haven't heard of this before, but it sounds really cool! I will check it out!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

  2. Interesting post awesome to have a shop.

  3. Have heard grt things about them.


  4. Rare to see free marketplaces! Usually they charge something. Thanks for the info :)

  5. I am a shopaholics and this website looks interesting would definitely give a look ...

  6. This sounds interesting. Will check out soon. Thanks for sharing :)
