The last Saturday of November

by - November 30, 2015

2015 is almost coming to an  end. How has your year been so far? Mine had been a real roller coaster. With the lowest of lows and highest of highs, 2015 has been the most eventful year of my life. Leaving all that, this Saturday I was determined to celebrate. I had received this yellow blazer and this lovely fringe bag from and was looking for an ocassion to break them. There was a book launch and a high tea. We just had the tea and went off to our favourite place 'Aqua' after work. I have been here several times and remains my top favourite poolside restaurant. After we took few pictures, I was summoned by a lady to click her.

The Park hotel
First I thought she was a Punjabi but her accent suggested otherwise. On inquiring we came to know that she was from London. She was here with her father. He was born here in India, Jalandhar 70 years back. Our hearts raced back. Her dad was from pre independence era..before partition.

She had a varied origin. Her dad married a Singaporean who was from Pakistani origin. She was born in Singapore but lived in London as her ancestors are from Britain. Her siblings married all over the world. One wed a Filipino and now living in Australia, one married an Indian but living in the US and so on. We had a long hearty chat about nationalities and differences. She was very sweet. After exchanging kin tales we parted.

My mind is still pondering over her diverse background. Why do borders, religions have to divide us? We all are humans at the end of the day. I married outside my community and did not bat an eyelid on what others would say. I think true love is really blind and unconditional.

poolside at Aqua


Aqua the Park

                             Poolside party

Lobby of The Park
I desparately need this pink chair at my home!

Fringe bag: here
Dress: mango
Lips: MAC Up the Amp

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  1. Would you like to follow each other? I'll follow back after it

  2. You look lovely doll and I agree true love conquer it all.

  3. Loved the fringe bag n ur look...but i really liked the post you drafted. beautifully written.

