by - April 15, 2014

Well I am a bit late in posting this..infact a week late to be precise. So many things have been going on in my life and I struggling to getting used to all the changes has left me puzzled!! I had even forgotten my blog anniversary date!! It had been continuously at the back of my mind that my first post was on 14 April; its only today that I have realised that no, I had started my blog on 7th April last month!! I find it delightful yet hard to believe that one year has past since my first post!! Read it here. My personal favourite initial post is this one.

I had been experiencing internet problems for a week; that too is one reason why I could not confirm my blogs birthdate. Anyways, whatever alibi I may present, its indeed a shame for me!!

The funniest part is that I was very excited since the advent of April. Usually husbands do something special to please their blogger wives..like purchase domain or gift a new logo etc. But to my utter dismay, my husband went out of the way and landed in complete disaster!! He got my google adsense account deactivated :( I was already mad at him for not spending enough time with me since our daughter has born and this thing was the last straw!! I decreased my communication with him in retaliation but it hardly made any difference to him as he had been spending about 18 hours in his hospital :(

When he realised that I am cross with him, he promised to gift me a solitaire which I had been eyeing for a year now. But as anticipated, my stingy husband bailed out!! :D I know I should be putting a weep icon here but somehow this move of his is so expected that I cant stop laughing!!

Its really hard to go out with a newborn at home. Today finally, we decided to leave her with her grandma and went out for a small blog anniversary celebration sans any jewellery shopping :D
Of course I wore a new DKNY dress and dolled up as I would in case of a birthday or anniversary :D 

love the Roman architecture...

love the Roman architecture...

any celebration is incomplete without food!!

fooling around with the mirror!!


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  1. Amazing you look pretty Happy Anniversary to your blog doll.

  2. HAppy Anniversary MAndira..is this ur post baby body???..my god..u look fabulous.


  3. Happy belated blog birthday, sweety!
    Really cute look :)


  4. Congratulations! I love your dress!

  5. Happy first anniverysary!! Haha our's (the second) was on the 8th of April. Why did he deactivated? Well at least you got a lovely celebration. You look amazing. That dress looks marvelous :)

    xx Mira


  6. Happy blogiversary! Your sundress is so pretty and I love the denim vest over it!
