Our humble stay in Dalhousie

by - September 08, 2023


I have been exploring extensively during my entire life till date. The first half with my parents and for the past 12 years with my partner in crime' the husband. I have fathomed the entire lentgh and breadth of my country and eight countries tiil date. However the two different halves of my travel history have been entirely different.  Trip with my parents had been impromptu ones. My mom being a very impulsive person by nature would decide one fine day that we need a vacation. She would voice her intentions after I and my Dad would come back and we would be packing our suitcases the very next day! The sightseeing would depend a lot on how the locals adviced. So the trips were impromptu and spontaneous.
With my husband its a complete different story. Mauritius, our honeymoon and our first trip togeteher was the only trip that did not have any research from our side. The trip was planned by Thomas Cook and I had just googled eveerything on the itirinary before flying off. After that, very trip of ours have been extensively researched and planned. I mean when I landed in Manila, Phiolippines, every road seemed familiar to me. Same for the pireaus Port, Athens, we had studied the Google 3 D maps so thoroughly that I could recognise every turn. However our trip to Dalhousie was entirel different.

The last time when I travelled with bothe my husband and parents was to Dubai. It was a package vacation so we did not put much brains into it. Since Dalhousie was with a set of two different kind of travellers, it was bound to be interesting! Our itirenary was planned beforehand but we did not book our hotel. We left that to be done on the spot.

You must have read our tragic story that wewent all the way to Jammu instead of Pathankot. We lost precious time in that. From Pathankot we booked a Swift Desire to Dalhousie. After a four hour trip of winding roads we made it. Now what ? Where would we stay? We asked our driver to show us possible options but I did not like any of them. I was cursing myself why did not we book one from the endless option we found on Tripadvisor? Then we left my parents and our daughter at the car and we went for hotel hunting.
A short distance uphill we spotted a brown tiled building. As it was absolutely low season (no one goes to Dalhousie in winters :D) the staff was chatting by the fire. They were too lazy to show a room. But as we went upstairs, we immediately liked the room. The view from the sitting room was gorgeous. It was the entire valley below and the snow clad mountains in the distance which were now being covered by a blanket of fog. We stuck a deal and called the rest of our family. Our driver was not too happy with our decision. But he did not have any option.  I was content that my mom (who is even pickier than me) liked the room. It was in the heart of Dalhousie and we had endless fun exploring the surroundings on foot. 

Sometimes a humble stay with loved ones is all what you need to ground yourself and realise how blessed you are.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023 

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