Why you need Happinetz parental control internet system

by - September 27, 2023

 Being a parent is definitely the most rewarding aspect of life but sometimes (or most of the times) it comes with its share of worries. And being a mom of 2 girls in which the elder one is at a vulnerable age of 9, gave me an endless number of sleepless nights; before I installed Happinetz in our home.

Technology is a boon and bane both. Had it not been the internet, we couldn't have survived the stay-at-home pandemic phase, carve out my blogging career or even meet my husband! The internet has been incredibly kind to us, but that does not negate the fact that we are walking on eggshells everyday. My retired father lost thousands of his hard earned money in a cyber scam, we receive multiple suspicious links everyday and of course cyber bullying cannot be overlooked. So while I am making money on the internet (through blogging) like millions of people in this world, I might lose everything with just one wrong click. While sensible adults like us are wary of everything on the web, there isn't a dearth of stories about families who became bankrupt because of wrong choices and the endless number of erroneous activities done.

My point is, if we, sensible, mature adults can land in a soup anytime on the internet, how safe are our naive, curious kids? My elder daughter may be 9 years old, but she is already in Class 5. Those two years of online schooling have made her really tech savvy+dependent. When she started online school, she was just 6, slowly catching up with how to operate Microsoft teams. Over the months, she began learning new features everyday, like creating new teams with her friends, chatting with them after hiding from their teacher and numerous other activities, which I myself did not know how to do.

In those days of online classes, she used my laptop. Often I would find new games on the desktop, tabs open with absolute random things. That got me worried as all my passwords are saved on my laptop; what if it gets infected with a deadly virus or someone hacks it? I would be doomed, literally. 

That's when we got her a new laptop. A new email on her name, which had very limited functions which she needed everyday, both for entertainment and education. She used my YouTube account to watch her favourite videos. But again, I had to check her history frantically and I just could not control her screen time. The need for a parental control internet system multiplied manifolds.

Fast forward two years, the world started getting back to normal. Schools opened and my kids would not be home for 7 hours. Almost every part of their routine changed barring one: their addiction to screens. Staying home 24*7 for two years made my kids dependent on the internet. 

No matter how much I tried, I could not manage it all. My elder one got really smart while the younger one was learning from her sister. No matter how many outdoor activities they indulged in, screen time was an integral part of their lives. Rain or shine, exams or holidays, videos had to be watched. So much staring at the blue screens was detrimental for their developing brains and eyes and unlimited access to information kept me awake at night. I started searching for a parental control internet system but there wasn't any in the market at that time.

I gradually realised that a tech savvy girl, as smart as Mohi, would not leave stuff lurking in history if she browsed something objectionable. I mean in my school days, I did not have internet in my computer but given the bibliophile I was, I used to be rooted to my Oxford dictionary. One thing led to another and I practically gained all my sex education from Oxford, at the age of 10. I was in shock when I learnt everything, because it was not the right path and there was no one to guide me or explain. Did my mother know about this? No! I don't want this to happen to my daughter. I don't want her to gather half baked information from the web regarding topics that she is curious about. Everything has a timeline and should happen accordingly.

While these activities were absolutely harmless and showcased the mischief of childhood, it also got me pondering what all she can hide from me. What if she lands on an adult site? What if she downloads a violent game and gets scarred for life? The unfortunate possibilities were endless. That's when I wished for a parental control internet system. What if I could manage everything she did, without curbing her curiosity?

The best part about technology is that it is evolving every single day and someone, at some part of the world, is working hard to solve the challenges that technology throws at us. The parental control internet system that I had been long wishing for, was finally available, made in our very own country by Happy Parents Lab. I wanted to get my hands on it immediately, and when I finally connected it to our home router, it was like a dream come true!

So what is this parental control internet system? Happinetz, as it's aptly named, is a children's internet filtering system. It blocks out age inappropriate content for kids and gives us the control to limit their screen time too. It's just like we install an air filter or a water filter to keep out impurities, Happinetz keeps away adult sites and blocks and filters age inappropriate content. Ever since I connected my kids' laptop to Happinetz, I have been sleeping peacefully.

So how to connect Happinetz to the existing internet connection?

Installing Happinetz is a breeze. You just have to connect the parental control internet box to your existing router using the ethernet cable (which comes in the box). Then you have to install the Happinetz app on your phone and connect your kids' devices. You can connect up to 10 devices which include smartphones (Android and iOS), laptops, smart TVs and tablets.

Happinetz creates its own WiFi network and does not affect the parent network or the devices connected to it.

So what all features does Happinetz offer?

Happinetz monitors and tracks more than 110 million website and apps and blocks 22 million adult and unsecured ones.

There are 3 modes: Kids Mode (under 13), Teen Mode (from 13 to 17) and Parent Mode (over 18, in which all the filters and schedules are switched off by default)

  • You can fix time slots for your kids through the personalised screen time manager.

  • Insights: You can access the history of your kid’s device on your app. The sites she visited when and for how long can also be seen. 


What features did I find really impressive about Happinetz?

The custom blacklist and whitelist. I mean how cool is it? I can specifically block a site if I don’t want my kid to access it. Similarly, I can whitelist one if I feel that it’s not threatening to my child’s safety.

It's browser agnostic, which means that the filtering system works across all browsers, even on incognito mode.

There is zero kid involvement. My child does not even get to know that the device is protecting her. No need to install an app on the kid’s device. My child is also happy playing with the Reward Cardz!

It’s a dynamic filtering system, which means that it is actively recognising and blocking new objectionable sites that are cropping up everyday.

Parents, now that I have introduced the one stop solution for your child’s internet safety, I have one more good news for you! You can use the code MANDA01 for additional discount! This parental control internet system is priced at 7999 INR which is currently available at 4499 INR and my code gives you an additional discount over that. Also, you get the first 6 months of subscription free with the purchase! Yay! So what are you waiting for? Make your kids’ internet playground safe with Happinetz.

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  1. This is what we all parents need! Checking it out right away!

  2. I can totally relate with a bibliophile parent getting worried about Internet savvy kids. Happinetz has become our best friend

  3. Dealing with screen time on smart TVs can really be a tough task, especially when you have young children at home! It's great that you discovered a solution like Happinetz. The ability to ensure online safety for kids and manage screen time all in one place seems like a game-changing approach. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience and this valuable tip.

  4. True. There are disadvantages of the evolving technology but there are also people behind making the cyber world a blessing for our kids. I love this box and how it behaves like a guardian when we do not
    want to be helicopter parents.

  5. Bedabrata Chakraborty28 September 2023 at 18:38

    I love the fact that the child is unaware that they are being protected. It helps to sustain their age of innocence. I am forwarding this to all my friends with kids. They would draw a lot of benefit from this post and surely thank you :)

  6. Internet is a boon and a bane, for this generation parents, controlling and monitoring kids internet consumption has become a real challenge. Happinetz is a very relevant and useful product.

  7. This is great information for every parent out there. Your baby is so pretty like her mom.

  8. Thouh the internet is an asset in many ways, it can also be a source of worry and even fear for parents. Happinetz seems to be perfect for ensuring online safety of kids. Sandy N Vyjay

  9. Happinetz has definitely been a boon at my place. Been using it for a mnth now and my kids have been off-screen living intk the real world and finding real interests 😊

  10. You have shared such a detailed post about Happinetz. Indeed it’s so helpful for parents to have a control on kids screen time & block on adult contents.
    Glad you are having a peaceful sleep now.

  11. I can completely relate to this blog post! As a parent, I've always believed that being a dad is the most rewarding job in the world, but it certainly comes with its fair share of worries. When you have children, their safety and well-being become your top priority, and it's only natural to have those sleepless nights thinking about their security, especially when they're at a vulnerable age.

    I admire your proactive approach in installing Happinetz in your home. It's essential to leverage technology to help us provide a safe and nurturing environment for our kids. It's reassuring to know that there are tools like Happinetz available to give parents that extra peace of mind and help ensure the safety of our little ones.

    Parenting is a journey filled with challenges and worries, but it's also filled with countless moments of joy and love. Thanks for sharing your experience, and I'm sure many other parents can relate to the importance of finding ways to ease those worries and make the journey a little smoother.

  12. Happinetz is path-breaking! It is now so easy to not only limit the screen time about also control internet activities. You have brilliantly captured all the features of this awesome device. Great review, Mandira.

  13. Happinetz has made safety on the internet for kids so easy and manageable for parents.


  14. Happinetz's secure search filter and scheduled usage options have truly impressed me, unquestionably establishing a safe online environment for kids. Happinetz emerges as the ideal solution for ensuring #SafeInternetForKids.
