LUCKNOW...heritage tour

by - May 31, 2014

Continuing with my Lucknow diaries, today I take you through small but significant stops of Lucknow. You can read them herehere and here.We zoomed through the old parts of Lucknow and stopped whichever place attracted our eyes!!

The Chhota Imambara had Shahi Hammam or Royal bath..the place/ bathroom for females of the Royal family. Its so intriguing that even at such ancient times there used to be a bathtub. I never knew what hammam meant. I knew that hammam is a soap brand but it never occurred to me that it would have a meaning till then. Well, hammam means bath!!

WE also found a red building which was an ancient library. On close inspection, it turned out to be a protected site by the archeological survey of India!!

The Ghanta Ghar or the Clock tower has an interesting story behind it. Apparently, the Big Ben of London and this clock tower were built at the same time!! Sadly, this one is not as famous as the Big Ben :(

I tasted some amazing dishes on this day trip...sweet samosa and kachori being my favourite of the lot!!

The most enjoyable part was getting clicked in front of the Roomi Darwaza, darwaza meaning door. Its basically a huge gate through which vehicles pass. My hubby and his friends used to sit at its top during their college days. Well, a very funny thing happened here. Being in the midst of a busy road, we had to wait for a while to let the traffic go. When there were only few passerby, I took my position. Hubby had camera hanging from his neck and it was very apparent that we were tourists. As soon as we took position, at least three cars stopped beside us. The young guys at the wheel asked the same question : what has happened?? Do you need any help??
I being the eternal fool politely told them that we were just taking pictures while hubby shooed them away. Later he scolded me saying that they were just trying to make a pass on me :D he he. We both felt like some dating couple and laughed heartily. 

the Roomi favourite spot of the lot...
the ancient bathtub of the Royal Bath...

the Shahi hammam or Royal Bath at the Chhota Imambara...

an ancient library which turned out to be a heritage site protected by the archeological survey of India

The Ghanta Ghar or Clock Tower which was built during the same time as that of the Big Ben of London...

tall palm trees ala Beverly Hills style...

the stairs of that interesting red building...

the picture does not look very appetizing but believe me...the sweet samosa and the kachoris were out of this world!!

the gate of the Bada Imambara...

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  1. Interesting place like your dress.

  2. the building of the ancient library looks so interesting!:) beautiful photos as always!♥

  3. Super cool outfit and very nice pics
    Good photoshoot

  4. I love visiting these places through your blog! That dress is gorgeous!

  5. What amazing pics and your Dress is really cute :)

  6. This place is beautiful.

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  9. Very interesting place and pictures :) thanks for sharing! Cheers, Archana -

  10. Lucknow looks interesting ... love ur dress

  11. Great pics! :) Lucknow sure has some lovely historical gems.
