by - 5/06/2014

It was a lazy Thursday. I had just got up from my bed after dealing with my 7 week old daughter throughout the night... ( I have not slept for 2 hours stretch since her birth ) :D   I did not even feel like making the bed :(

This bottle of South African sparkling wine had been gifted to us in Mauritius. I felt like having it to cure my baby blues and pamper myself.

My husband hardly has time for our daughter. However when he comes late at night, he enjoys feeding her. This is an impromptu click...

I was craving for a beach vacation so much that I instagrammed this pic. Moreover this slim self of mine makes me feel good :D

A funny moment when I was fooling around with a mirror :D

Friday night dinner...

I love seeing pictures of other girls' closets. So I decided to click a part of my own. I am deciding to do a full post on house tour as I love interior decorating.

Sample from sunsilk which I got through Indiblogger :D
Hello my lovely readers!! I am elated to say that I am finally on Instagram!! yayy :D
I love seeing insta updates of my favourite bloggers and I always wanted to have my own. However, I was so content ( and still am) with my non android Nokia phone that I could not instagram. My phone is sleek, handsome and takes nice pictures and thats all I needed always. Anyways, last week, my sister in law gifted her brother ( my hubby ) Samsung galaxy grand 2 on the ocassion of the birth of our daughter. Is not it strange and funny that I was the one who gave birth and my hubby went away with all the gifts and accolades?? he he :D
I donot intend to use his phone but I just want to instagram. So now I can post anecdotes of my daily life. The above shots are from my first three days posts. You may find them silly, but I am happy :D From now on, I plan to post Insta updates on my blog every now and then. :)

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  1. I like the reason you wanted to go to the beach and the funny mirror that was hysterical the food looks delicious does not surprise me you know how to have fun and eat well.

  2. I'm already following you on Instagram too :p

  3. great recap!

  4. Great diary!!

  5. Great photos! Your daughter is precious

  6. Good to see your update as always and best of luck for Insta updates...wish you more gifts from indiblogger and Inst also... :)

  7. Awesome Mandira..I want to join instagram too..but i dont know when.
    Finally we get to see ur little princess...have u named her yet?
    Re ur question on my blog: i dont post my pics on my blog..coz m not pretty enuf. ;)


  8. Lovely pics!

    New post on my blog, I’m waiting for your opinion dear!
