Easy ways to increase your height with Chamaripa

by - July 20, 2018

Height is one aspect of your physique that matters a lot. Ask short people like me. I am 5 '1 by the way. It's a real game changer. I always have that lack of confidence because I am vertically challenged. Whosoever says that physical appearance doesn't matter, don't know the importance of good height, well groomed personality and chiselled looks. I don't want to sound superficial but looks do matter in one's career. A tall person is blessed in both sports as well as in interviews. No doubt in order to storm forward you need to have calibre but a good  physique paves the first path for you.
So have you ever wondered what all factors determine height? And I am not just talking about 2 inches heels shoes. 😆
1. Genetics: The first and the foremost factor. Even if you don't take proper nutrition but your parents are tall, you are bound to get their height. This is very obvious from seeing poor people around us. They may not get proper meals, but gain height of their parents are so.

2. Nutrition: The second most important factor. A diet rich in proteins is very important during growing years. Growth may get stumped if the child does not get proper nutrition.
3. Environmental factors: So what if you are not blessed with good genes? You can still try to increase your height if you are before menarche for girls and before 18 for boys. Activities like swimming and hanging increases height.
So these are the factors that determine height before the epiphyses are closed. Yes, they are the bone endings which solely determine whether the bone would elongate further or not.
So how to ' increase' height in adulthood?

1. Smart clothing: Clothes really determine how tall you look. Wear vertical stripes to elongate your body. Avoid anything too contrasting like black and white that divides your body in two halves. Weary monochrome outfits help elongate your body. And so does nude shoes or light colour shoes.
2. Surgery: Being the wife of an orthopedic surgeon. I know this method very well. Models and beauty queens resort to this method. A rod is surgically inserted into the shin bone to make the person taller.
3. Shoes: Ah the age old favourite! Remember the tiny Carrie Bradshaw saying that put me up in heels, as high as you like? Well heeled shoes are the most popular weapon for short people. Recently I came across this site that has some awesome shoes that elevate your body.
Chamaripa shoes have been manufacturing heeled shoes for the past 21 years. They have the best elevator shoes. A brand that is present for so long in the market already proves its credibility. They have shoes of all types for all. Men and women they both have equally good options to increase their height without any fuss. The height of the heels vary from 5 cm to 13 cm. That means you get to choose how tall you want to be!
So which style is your favourite? If you shop now, you get a discount of upto 40%. How freaking awesome is that? So bye bye lack of confidence!

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