by - July 07, 2013

Hello my lovely readers!! Mistake committed again!! a prequel again!! Oh God I cant take it any more!! :D I think by now you guys should start putting up with me !! he he he :D

So we were in Mauritius..on a day tour to Ile Aux Cerfs. Our first stop was the place from where we could do underwater sea walk. For those who have not done any such thing before, sounds weird and scary, is not?? Well it was for us too!! But since this trip was about trying everything novel, we decided to give it a shot. Not to mention, it was quite expensive, our whole package including all the sports activities cost us around 8000 mauritian rupee ie about 16000 in Indian currency!! We could almost plan a small trip in that price!!

Our boat too us to a small dock inside the sea from where we were supposed to descend in the water and walk on the sea bed. Its obvious we would float, so we were made to hang some heavy weights around our body to make us sink. And for oxygen, of course, there was a huge mask that made us look like an astronaut!! I am a bit claustrophobic, and now when I remember the experience, it gives me jitters!! Once the mask was put, the wights hung and instructions carefully explained, we were made to climb down the stairs from the dock to inside the water. We were taught few sign languages like okay or not okay, want to come to the surface, etc.

As soon as they put on the mask on me, bingo, it hurt my shoulder on which it was resting. Believe me , it was too heavy. And scarier, nothing was audible now. A dull void :( We were supposed to 'tour' underneath in a group of eight, guided by two divers. I clenched my husband's hand firmly. He was my only physical and mental support; and I felt him realising my apprehension and he squeezed my hand back.:) innocent love :)

We descended into the water one by one. I gathered every bit of courage I had and put my feet from the last stair to sea bed. Aahh!! I was on the sea bed!! It was silent everywhere, a doom kind of feeling when one dives inside. There were corals everywhere and fish swimming around us!! What a sight!!  We were wearing rubber slippers to prevent our feet from getting injured by the dry corals. Our  guide led us in a line, touring us through the corals!! He then gave bread in our hands to feed the fish, and they came swarming around!! some of them even bit us!! while the fish ate our bread happily, we got our pictures clicked!! We had paid extra for that!!

My husband held my hand throughout the walk, and our guide would constantly remove his hand from mine!! He wanted all of us to walk in a straight line in a disciplined manner!!

We were then led back to the ladder to get up. The whole tour was just for 10 minutes!! My god so expensive!! But worth every penny!! When we reached the deck, we felt so happy and triumphant!! I would never ever forget these 10 minutes of my life!! 

wading in water even before I got into the boat!!

couple time!!

a titanic moment...

trying to pole dance before I went into the water

our first shot inside the ocean!! see my hubby is tightly clenching the handle of my helmet!! our guide was highly irritated by it!! :D

after we were feeding bread to the fishes, they started coming near us in swarms. the fish on left corner seems to be angry!!

looking like astronauts!! hubby still holding me!! argghh :D :D

he refuses to leave my hand even after our guides scolding!!

out of the water, I feel that I have conquered the world :D

a small sailor stint before I got into the bus!!
I am going to remember this experience forever!!

1.Dont buy the package from your hotel/ tour operator by whom you have booked the entire trip. Buy from the local agents, they are much cheaper.
2.This activity is not for claustrophobic people or those who are scared of water.
3.Do not forget to buy the underwater photography package. It is going to cost you silly extra bucks but these photos are the ones that are going to stay with you forever!!

I wore:
shorts : forever21
halter top: zara

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  1. First time I see this kind of helmets!
    So beautiful to be surrounded by those fishes.
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!
    Have a nice week!
    Stella from a A Shiny Place

    1. ya those helmets were scary :D thanku and you too have a nice week :)

  2. Oh goodness! That looks like such an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experience! Thank you for sharing all about it. It looks like you're having a fantastic time; I hope your trip keeps getting better and better! :) I'm following you On Bloglovin and GFC now. Thanks for the comment on my blog!


  3. What a fun experience! I love your adventure outfit, so bright& fun!! By the way I'm now following your blog ;)

  4. Wow a travel blog, that's so cool!

    I'd love to follow each other, I'm following you now with Bloglovin' and Facebook. Hope you'll follow back ;)


    1. ya sure I am following you :) thanku so much :)

  5. Wow....this place is amazing!!!!!Very nice outfit, i love the top!!!!
    :D http://valentinaclothedanew.blogspot.it/

  6. I bet it was an amazing experience :)
    The water looks amazing :D


  7. Sure we can follow each other! I'm already following you on. bloglovin. Your turn now :p


  8. It looks like absolute paradise and you seem as though you're having a blast! Thank you for popping past my blog! I am now following you on Bloglovin' and would love if you follow me back xxx


  9. Wow, looks fun!


    Visit me at http://spindizzyfall.blogspot.com.au/

  10. Just lovely! =)

    personal style and fashion musings of a LA fashion lawyer living life in the fab lane!

  11. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Sure we can follow each other. You have a nice blog. I already followed you via Bloglovin. Now its your turn to follow back via GFC & Bloglovin pretty please? Come see my blog! 

    XX, IamJenniya
    New Post! >> NOTD: Green Fields...

  12. Lovely pictures! I'm glad you had fun!
    Sure would love to follow each other. Following you now. Hope you follow back. :)
    Glitter & Blush

  13. Great pics!

    Take a look at our blog, if you like it, maybe we can follow each other via bloglovin!?


  14. Wow, what a fun trip! I will admit those helmets look a bit intimidating! But what fun!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and the lovely comment. Yes, I would love for us to follow each other.

    xo, Jackie

  15. Wow what an amazing experience! The color of the water is so beautiful, I'd love to do something like this one day! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment!

    xo jen
    Pearls & Lace

  16. Wow! What an incredible experience! Gorgeous pictures and such pretty water!


    Runway Chef

  17. Amazing post!
    I am so following you on blogger! :)
    please check my blog too!
