by - 10/11/2019

This is a much asked and sorted topic for not only all the mums out there but a major deciding factor for many figure conscious females too. Although I am far for an expert myself (I am yet to lose my baby fat; leave a flat belly after five years of giving birth,) I decided to throw some light on this topic as too many moms had been asking me lately. Also I wish I knew about Feelingirl during my puerperum stage. Since I had two C sections, their stuff   would have helped me a lot in achieving what I haven't in the last five and half years.
1. Don't diet, give up refined food/ carbs.
A lot many paranoid moms start dieting strictly immediately after birth to get back to shape ASAP. But they forget the most important part: nourishment. Not only the mother's body needs prolific nutrition after giving birth but also for milk production. The key here is to have a diet rich in proteins, calcium, some healthy fats (nuts, coconuts, avocados, fish) and lots of roughage. If you don't take enough fibre, first you are not going to sense fullness (and bound to keep munching) and second, suffer from constipation. For foodies like me, this is really tough and I have never dieted a single day in my entire life.
The key here is to have less number of chapatis, little rice, lots of fruits and vegetables and no refined/processed food at all. Ditch aerated/ sweetened drinks totally and no artificial sweeteners. Treat yourself occasionally.

2. Exercise: You should start walking as early as possible. If you had a C section, then also you can start walking slowly after a week of your surgery. Early ambulation is very important. You can resume full fledged exercise 3 months after giving birth but only after consulting your OB/GYN. You can also wear a Waist Trainer Shorts to help flatten your belly like this.  However this should also be worn after consulting your doctor. One should wait for at least 2-3 months (depending on the condition) to wear this.
For females with normal labour, they can resume exercise after 6 weeks itself but only after consulting your OB/GYN.
3. Have a healthy state of mind: Although waist cinchers would help you a lot in reaching the desirable, but having sound mental health is very important. Depression is a major cause of weight gain and Post partum depression is very common after giving birth. Even I was a victim of that! For a cheerful person like me, I know it's hard to imagine but it's true. I fought strongly to get my older self for a a full six months.
Talk to people who understand you. Meditate. Ask for help who can take care of your baby so that you can go out, inhale the fresh air, laugh with your friends. Keep away from negative people. Remember, the most important relationship in the world is the one with yourself.
4. Be gentle on yourself: Although we all want to be that perfect little woman (in our own terms) that we were before planning to become a mom, it's not possible always. We should never forget that we have given birth to a life and that is the best thing (and special) ever. There are so many factors that stop us from achieving that desirable body: genetics, change in metabolism, hormonal changes, etc etc. We should not punish ourselves for being unable to do that. Although best waist trainer is a super easy way to look as if your body hasn't undergone any change but nothing is more rewarding than holding your bundle of joy in your arms.

Tell me pretty ladies, have you lost that weight? Or are you still struggling?

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  1. I lost weight after both pregnancies. We need determination to do it more than once. Ufff. But now I've to control my rice hogging.

  2. It's very helpful for the women. Thank you for sharing

  3. I'm sure a lot of women struggle with weight loss post pregnancy, these tips and ideas will be really useful for them

  4. Nice tips, I will sahre it with my sisterin law, she is a new mom and is very concerned about getting back to her pre pregnancy shape and weight.

  5. All the weight I gained during pregnancy is still on me!! How I wish I had read this post before. Never mind, let me start now!

  6. I too feel waist trainers are super helpful in getting you back to shape after pregnancy. They works on your waist while making you look good in your favorite clothes

  7. Very nice tips. Luckily I never had weight loss issues even after pregnancy. Infact I had issues in gaining weight. But the good part is I can hog into anything guilt free.

  8. Lots of women struggle with this issue. This is informative post for them

  9. Amazing and insightful post. Very useful tips for the mommies. I would prefer waist trainers are super helpful in getting you back to shape after pregnancy. Great thoughts.

  10. Such a useful blog for all age types...specially mom's..we often tend to forget our health and neglect it..thanks for reminding again..

  11. Insightful post. Lots of women struggle with this issue.i just share the post my my sister

  12. Fortunately I never had weight reduction issues significantly after pregnancy. All the weight I picked up during pregnancy is still on me!! How I wish I had perused this post previously. I will impart it to my sister in law, she is another mother and is worried about returning to her pre-pregnancy shape and weight. Weight loss For Women Over 50
