A Travelling To Do List

by - August 03, 2019

Some people are all for making to do lists, and we totally get why. They help you stay on track during the day, they help to keep your thoughts organised, and they make you feel like you’ve actually achieved something if you stick to the list. But a to do list filled with chores and errands is not the to do lists we want in our lives, we want to make it as fun as it can possibly be. And what better way to make a to do list fun, than to make it one based around travel. We think you should be making a to do list full of all of the countries you want to conquer, and what you want to do whilst you’re there. It’s so good to have travelling ambitions, but we think so many of you are missing out on exploring some of the best places in the world, simply because you aren’t taking the time to look into them properly. So this article is going to be the start of that list for you, because we’ve got some excellent locations that you can visit around the world, that should definitely be in your top five places to go. So keep on reading, and get scribbling down your travelling to do list.

South America

South America might be being a little vague, because there is truly so many places you could visit if you were to go. But that’s why we want to keep it vague, because we can’t pinpoint one specific part of it that you should be going to. It’s natural beauty is stunning, and the climate matches it if you go at the right time of year. You could do an Andes galapagos tour, or you could target one of the places specifically along the route. If you love steak, then Argentina is the place for you to go. If you love rich culture, then Columbia is the place for you. It all really depends on what you’re aiming to get from the holiday, and what you enjoy most. So have a little research, and see what part of it you could dive into!

Seychelles is one of the islands found nestles in the Indian ocean, and we just can’t understand why people are not visiting this country more! It’s the perfect mix of beautiful beaches, and tropical forests for you to explore. With the amount of beauty if displays, you would think that this one would be far more expensive to visit than it is, but it’s actually not that expensive. It’s a holiday perfect for those of you who are just dying to relax, and to get back to nature. You really will feel like you’re on a secluded island, and the locals are always so welcoming on tourists!

Dubai is one of the most up and coming places to visit in the world, with people seeming to flock to it at the minute. If you haven’t been, now is the time to think about exploring this city with the beauty that it is, rather than waiting a few years and it perhaps becoming a location just full of sky rises. From zip wires to indoor theme parks and dancing water features, this place has it all!

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  1. Oh very cute places darling

  2. Of your three picks I have only visited Dubai as of now. I hope to visit the other two some day too!

  3. i too love travelling. Your pictures & informations make me visit the place.

  4. Oh . I totally enjoy travelling. These 3 place looks heaven on earth. I am keen to visit Seychelles someday , I have heard a lot about this beautiful island. Thanks for sharing.


  5. Seychelles is on my list for long and so is Dubai.. Wanna do Dubai pretty soon maybe solo or with family.

  6. I have been to North America last year and Dubai is in my wish list 🙂 Yes I also love traveling and exploring new places.

  7. Dubai is always in my bucket list ...I wish to visit soon ...Your list is just wonderful!!!

  8. I loved ur wishlist ...even i wish to go to dubai...its cheaper as compared to other places u mentioned..

  9. All of us have a wish list don't we and the beauty is the more you travel, the bigger the list becomes, some drop of only to be replaced with others! Seychelles is top on our list.

  10. Dubai now and Dubai always...The place has so much warmth and love that I always feel going back again without ever getting bored. :)

    Utpal Khot

  11. Can spot mine favorite travel destination, Dubai has been my go to place

  12. I have not been to Dubai yet but after reading your post i am surely going there soon.

  13. I never heard of Seychelles before... Dubai is a wonderful place for sure, but this country seems to be amazing! Will visit someday!

  14. These are the places which are untapped for me. Seychelles is one island I wish to explore the first of all.

  15. These places are beautiful to visit and enjoy vacation with family. I have planned visiting Dubai next year.

  16. I haven't been to either of these places but now I wish i had! Traveling is my peace and calm. Thanks for recommending these three places

  17. Seychelles is yet to be explored and experienced. Hope it happens sometime soon. Lovely post and I added to my list of places to visit.

  18. I haven't been to any of these places...they look like really fun and interesting places to visit

  19. Seychelles is a place I will go someday because its in my bucket list always. We have a plan this year for Dubai.

  20. I love underwater activities and Seychelles have been in my bucket list. Your pictures make me drool to plan the vacation soon

  21. I loved your idea of maintaining a to do list of our travel goals and I am soon incorporating it buddy, Dubai is our fav location too

  22. I have visited Dubai. Seychelles has been on my list too. It's such a gorgeous place
