Budapest for free: 10 activities that won't cost you a thing!

by - May 25, 2022

Even when you are a shoe string budget, there can't be anything that won't make a hole in your pocket while travelling. Especially when you are in Europe. Most of the places of interest have an entrance fee (which are substantial if you are an Indian). Even peeing requires 1.5 euro; which is almost 150 INR! Having been to Europe 4 times, we have come to know certain things. Museums are important, but not that essential to our itinerary because a, we are not historians, b: we don't have that much time to ponder upon every statue/ fact! So we have devised this simple plan; we do visit museums and take a picture from the outside, or till the premises would allow without a ticket, but don't go inside. We don't seem to miss much (unless it's as important as the Louvre; which you must) and save an expensive amount of time and money! So here's a list of 10 things that you can do in Budapest for free, that does not involve a penny as you are not going inside!

1. Cross the Chain Bridge on foot

The entire Chain Bridge or the Szechenyi Bridge is a marvellous piece of architecture. The river Danube flowing below and the cool breeze hitting your face as you walk, it's priceless. We had crossed the bridge both during the day as well as at night and they were completely different experiences.

2. Walk along the Danube river

If you have time and money, you can take the Danube river cruise. Since we are discussing a free guide here, it's best to walk. You will stumble across a sign that reads BUDAPEST (that's on the Pest side of the city). You can watch beautiful ferry boats passing by, sunrise or sunset or simply enjoy the views.

3. Shoes along the Danube
Also you will come across shoes on the Danube river bank. Those shoes have been erected as a memorial with sculptor Gyula Pauer, to honour the Jews who had been massacred during the Second World war. Those soldiers had been asked to take of their shoes (so that the shoes could be resold) and were shot along the edge of the river so that their bodies would fall directly in to the water.

4. The Parliament Building of Hungary

This magnificent massive structure is iconic of the city of Budapest. It is situated on the Pest side of the city and is absolutely spectacular. Completed in 1902, it's the largest building of Hungary. It's built in a Gothic style, highly influenced by the Vienna City Hall.

5. The Museum Hungarian agriculture

You really don't need to enter this museum as it's so beautiful from the exteriors. It's the biggest museum of agriculture in Europe, and is situated in the Vajdahunyad Castle. As a result, the building is regal and fascinating, with English ivy growing all over.

6. Hero's Square or Hosok Tere

This is a memorial of the Hungarian national leaders heroes and the 7 chieftains of the Magyars. It's a very important architectural and historical landmark, which you can't miss. (Just like the India Gate of Delhi) Plus, the entire attraction is free!

7. The Buda Castle

The entry to the Buda castle is quite a chunk of money; but you aren't missing anything if you don't go inside. Because my friends, it's situated on the top of the Castle hill and offers spectacular views of the entire city! The hike itself is priceless and when you reach the top, it's jaw dropping! Also, you can watch the Funicular going up and down, which is cute too.

8. The Fisherman's Bastion

This fortress is an iconic landmark of the city and is one place that I regret not going inside. It's magnificent from the outside and really huge. It would take at least half a day to fully explore the place. We watched the sunset from there and has been etched in our memories.

9. House of terror:

Again we did not go inside The Terror Haza but it was pretty impressive from the exteriors. It is a memorial of the victims of the Fascist and Communists regime, who were detained, tortured or killed in the building. 

10. St Stephen's Basilica

This is a Catholic Basilica which is mesmerising from the inside. There are a lot of cheap eateries outside and the church serves as an astonishing view while you eat!

So guys this was a crisp guide of the things that you could do for free. I love reading free guides and hence focus on creating my own. If you have only 24 hours in Budapest, this guide will make you feel that you have fully covered this fascinating city!

Are you fond of free activities? Or do you enter every museum? Let me know!

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  1. Budapest is a city which has an old world charm that is typical of European cities. There is so much to see and experience in the city. I find the shoe sculptures so realistic and so poignant too. Sandy N Vyjay

  2. Europe is very beautiful place but expenses too. You have given a great tips and review of places. We will keep in mind.

  3. Budapest has a beautiful vibe I would love to explore this city and especially the places you mentioned like strolling over the bridge and parliament building.

  4. Bedabrata Chakraborty29 May 2022 at 13:21

    I have to confess your post is making me very jealous. Hungary , I have always known and seen photographs, is a beautiful country. You are so fortunate to have travelled Budapest so extensively.

  5. I concur with you, museum doesn’t interest me esp when I have less time.
    Budapest is in my wish list & glad to know we can do so many things for free.

  6. I was supposed to travel to Budapest before pandemic but it was canceled for personal reason. I would definitely want to go back and explore the city. Will bookmark this post for reference.

  7. It's so beautiful! And the museum castle building is stunning. Ahh I wish I live anywhere in Europe...


  8. I would so love to get to Budapest one day. Thanks for all this useful information. Your trip looked great!! Thanks for sharing.

    Allie of
