ushering OCTOBER

by - October 02, 2013

Part I

So October is finally here....the official start of fall. Well here in Delhi,India its not fall exactly. The weather in Delhi is very much black and white. The summers are scorching and the winters freezing. There is nothing like spring or fall as such. So why does October excite me so much?? Well with October I have so many things happening in my life that its one my favourite months of the year ; well after June of course (my own birthday month ). The birthday of two of my two favourite persons fall in this month: my hubby and my bestie. Well I have been celebrating my bestie's birthday since eight years and hubby's since the last three years ( I met him in 2010 only). But I have been waiting for October since I was a tiny kid as far as I remember. Then why?? Because its the month of my favourite festival...the week long DURGA PUJA!! Being a hard core Bengali,I have grown up celebrating this festival with pomp and glamour. Being married to a banarasi, 
the time of Durga puja is the time of navratri; and for them its the time for pure worship and devotion. However, when I used to address Durga puja as a week long party, my inlaws could not imagine until they witnessed themselves. Donning the latest in fashion everyday, devouring the tastiest of street foods from the stalls, enjoying concerts all night long,its nothing short of a grand week long extravaganza!! I should not be saying this, but the worship and devotion part occupies a very small place :D

The puja starts with shashti meaning sixth and then there is Saptami(seventh), Ashtami (eighth), navami (ninth) and the the culmination with Dashami (tenth). There are a lot more ceremonies preceding and succeeding these 5days but not that important.
This year, Durga puja is starting from 10th of this month and I cannot wait!! Today I am going to share with you last year's pictures from my Pandal hopping spree. We visit various pandals around to decide which Durga Idol is the best!! The next post I will cover dashami, which is a unique ceremony in itself!!

the beautiful sculptures in the pandal...

the idol of Durga in Noida 50

the pandal at a community center..

the beautiful idol of Goddess Durga in blue light...

everyone dancing to their heart's content...

one of the pandals celebrating Swami vivekananda's 150th anniversary....

one more beautiful idol...

this pillar makes me feel so tiny!!

me with my cousin brother...eating our heart out!!

since this is the time for worship, my mother in law was not too happy when she saw this picture of me having fish and chicken!! One is expected to stay clear of meat during puja but its not so in the case of bengalis!! :D

this grilled chicken was simply too good!!

small kids performing on stage...I used to dance too before too many responsibilities got hold of me!!

one more artist's wonder!!

me with my favourite prop...balloon!! I love the ceiling work!!

this is the pandal gate of my neighborhood's puja...

one of my favourite idols!!

this pandal is in the shape of a famous movie theatre of bengal...

this one got the award for the best eco friendly pandal...

the favourite idol of my life till date... this one got the award for the best idol...

I just love the dim lighting and the artifacts!!

a cute window with owls sitting above!!
I just hope this year I enjoy even more than what I did last year!! My inlaws would be visiting this time and I plan to acquaint them fully with my culture!! fingers crossed!!

I wore:
yellow dress: forever21
green dress: gifted by my sis in law
purse: pirre cardin
wedges: from dubai
jwellery: forever21, aldo

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  1. Wow, I have never been to India and all that culture and place seems so fascinating to me! Thanks for sharing and have fun at the event!

    Sun and Sany

  2. So nice photos, i was enjoying watching them.

  3. So many rich and beautiful sculptures :)

  4. hi there, great pics, looks great India, and you are lovely
    shall we follow?check our blog
    greetings from Holland

  5. WOW..what fun..I wish I was allowed to eat non veg during festivals though..!;0
    I love bengalis for that..!


  6. I love your dress, I like so much indian songs and dancing and I would like to learn!!

  7. Oh now I can't wait for Durga puja to arrive anymore. Great pics btw.

  8. fabulous pics as always darlin <3

  9. Great post and since my husband is from Tripura so we are also in a habit of celebrating Durga Pooja..Looking forward to it :)

  10. You look beautiful in that dress and sandals.
    Hope you enjoy October as much as possible!
    I really want to visit India one day, there is so much culture and history in this country.
    Thank you so much for your nice comment on my blog!
    Stella from a A Shiny Place

  11. These pics are amazing!!! And the food looks delicious!!
    Love your dresses!!
    Chic With The Least
    Also on Facebook and on Bloglovin’

  12. Wow, great pictures!

  13. I'd love to visit India, its culture is so fascinating!

  14. Fabulous pictures, so bright and pretty ! Love the culture !
    Last day to to participate in the International Giveaway from Ozel Lifestyle !

    International Giveaway from Ozel Lifestyle
    Feisty Fox Diaries

  15. Love India and these images!

  16. Wonderful and colorful images

    Fashion and Cookies
    Fashion and Cookies on Facebook
    You're invited to enter my Win stylish dresses Giveaway, 3 winners, open worldwide until October, 12th !

  17. Wow, I'm SO pleased that you commented on my blog.

    I love reading and learning about traditions all over the world :) it's so interesting!

    Hmm maybe...

  18. India sounds to interesting to visit!
    Video outfit YOUTUBE

  19. Beautiful pictures! I adore your dress and the food looks incredible.


  20. Loads of kisses beauty <3


  21. We're celebrating Navarathri here too BUT I can't imagine it to be as exciting as it is in India, that too in Delhi! Looks like you are having a fabulous time!!

    Simply Akshara

  22. Wonderful dress, many thanks for sharing this interesting photos! Here in Bavaria the fall is noticeable and easy to recognize because it gets colder and the trees are loosing their leaves ...

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  23. Beautiful dress and looks like you are having another wonderful adventure!
