Simple secrets of smart girls

by - 5/08/2020

For all the girls out there, everyone wants to 'crack' the code that smart 'it' girls seem to have. And for the guys out there, they have always wanted to date such girls. After researching quite a lot (it's my favourite hobby...studying human behaviour) I have reached a few conclusions.
1. Smile is their best accessory: Happy girls are the prettiest. However no one can be happy all the time. Happiness is like a muscle. You should learn to exercise it. Smart girls know that. No matter how much difficult situation they are in, they won't express it. And we normal mortals think that they have favourable circumstances all the freaking time.

2. They don't forget to take supplements. A hectic work and social life can take a toll on the health so it's important to nourish the body. So if you can't drink milk everyday, you need to take Calcium tablets daily to keep your bones strong. Smart girls take vitamins daily whether in the form of fresh fruits or a multivitamin capsule. They know that proper nutrition is indispensable for building immunity.
3. They put themselves first. Self care is not selfishness. In fact it's a mandate. No matter how busy they are, smart girls workout regularly. They take care of their skin and remove makeup before going to bed. They dress up confidently; even if it means five minutes more in the morning. Having kids definitely makes things tougher but smart girls carve out time for themselves.

4. Panty liners are their best friends.

We all have been there. Whether it's an unexpected show, prolonged spotting or forgetting dates (it does happen believe me) soiled clothes is the greatest blow to a girl's esteem.

So what to do? Always keep panty liners in your bag. The everteen Daily Panty Liners are literally life savers!

What are the features of everteen Daily Panty liner?

  • It is 180 mm long
  • Unscented
  • Individually wrapped
  • Has an antibacterial anion strip
  • Has odour control and is breathable.
  • 100% cotton so no rashes.

What are these used for?

  • In between periods.
  • Backup for tampons and cup
  • For urinary incontinence
  • Light discharge
  • Maintaining daily hygiene

Price: 166 INR for a pack of 30 Panty liners.

So do you get it! No more unpleasant surprises! I am so relieved after finding this product. It's so light that you won't even feel anything.

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  1. Few secrets definitely revealed!

  2. "Happy girls are the prettiest." We agree with you! A good mood can literally transform a person. And it is important to maintain good daily feminine hygiene.

  3. Firstly the images are brilliant..the girl power band images are so fun and really cheer up the post as a read. Very cool on how you combined the product into a power guide too

  4. Well, you have revealed good secrets about us. However yes liners are life savers. It saves in many awkward situations.

  5. Such great suggestions here, I loved all of them especially panty liners. It's so useful and hygienic. We should take care of ourselves.

  6. Self love is not being selfish, is my favourite. Great pics. I have used this product during my pregnancy, it's surely a life saver.

    - mywordsmywisdom

  7. Well said. Every point is correct. Smile, supplements, exercise and Yes panty liners are really our best friends.

  8. The Everteen Daily Panty Liner is such a useful product for women. Thanks for the informative post!
