What is better than New Years Resolutions?

by - August 16, 2022


Are you a goal oriented person? If yes, then New Year resolutions might be your thing! However you are not alone if you don't believe in resolutions. Goals can result in putting unnecessary pressure on us leading to frustration on their non fulfillment. However it is believed that people tend to perform better under pressure. I am not not talking about that kind of pressure but like on a moderate level to grow into a better version. Basically if you are self employed like me, with no Boss ( thankfully) then you may need motivation, push and deadlines from time to time; in order to not lag behind. But since New year resolutions have become far from difficult to achieve and continue, I have come up with a different set of 'intentions' for self improvement.

For some (read older generations especially+haughty people) may find posting on social media/ internet a form of narcissism. While I may not fully disagree (some people are on the platform just to boast about their wealth/flawless body etc), the internet is the biggest teacher. It is my daily source of inspiration and motivation and of course host of lessons everyday; from other people's lives. Since I am constantly drawing inspiration from other people's lives on a daily basis, my goal remains to do the same on my platform too; be it my Instagram or blog. Therefore this year I decided to set some intentions of self improvement for my birthday, which would help not only me but others too. Because I learn from others' lives every single day! 

While I could go on and on how I celebrated my 34th birthday, (after two lockdown celebrations) , I decided to do something else this year. I have been in a rut lately (two and half years tbh, anyone else relates?) and so thought of coming up with some resolutions that would ensure an improved life. Documenting these here will make me more accountable plus it might motivate many of you (mums especially).

So here they are:
💯Stop procastination. Just do it. A job well began is half done. I guess keeping this in mind constantly will help to a large extent. Once you start, the hardest part is over.

🍏Eat a fruit everyday+drink plenty of water. Lockdown gave rise to obesity and other metabolic disorders. And why it would not. We just ate loads of junk without any physical activity (mopping sweeping don't count because we are under stress). So this is a good reminder to try to reverse those damages.

🧘 Stretch regularly. Quiet time for at least half an hour in the balcony garden. Outside light and air does wonders. Again self employed people who work from home will relate more. But then the corporate people and medical professionals like my husband who are indoors under artificial lights 12 hours a day, this applies for them too. Don't forget to stretch and take outside breaks.

😣 Try not to yell at kids. Now this one is seemingly impossible. I mean how can we Indian mums fasten the harness of our kids without yelling? Sometimes I feel is it in our genes? But then, gentle parenting is the way to go. Let's reserve yelling and screaming only for emergency situations. Something that I need to keep in mind all the time.

🧓No frowning or sulking. Put negative thoughts on paper instead of the face. For many of us, pandemic depression has taken a toll on our looks. Frown lines, double chins, hair loss, some to start with. Instead of showing it on our face, let's put those thoughts on paper and vent out.
🙏 Change my attitude towards Life. Be grateful always. If you have a roof above your head, food on your plate and clean water to drink, you are fortunate. I should remember I have more than this. Hence gratitude. ALWAYS.
🛌Go to bed early. Give more rest to the body. Weight gain and a decrease in immunity is largely associated with lack of sleep/erratic bedtime schedules. While we mums might consider burning the midnight oil 'me time', it's taking a toll on our health. Why not wake up earlier and enjoy that me time in the morning?

🛋️Make bed everyday. Keep surroundings uncluttered. Dispose regularly. Discipline and organisation goes a long way in self improvement and mood lift. It's often underrated. Most of the times I feel like working on my laptop out of my messy bed, have my coffees and meals in that very warm nook. While it may be too tempting and comfortable, it's too unhealthy; both for the mind and body. Get up, clean up, dress up (or even stratighten those pjs), make your bed and then start working. Blame it on motherhood and being the primary caregiver of a large family, my life has become more undisciplined than I would like to admit. Hence, straighten up!
Enough of rambling! I received a Wonder woman cake from my husband and we went for clubbing after ages. I really needed to wash away unpleasant memories in those thumping beats of music and glitzy lights. Although again gratitude that we could go out. Our home renovations were in full swing and it was indeed a privilege that my parents were there (like always) for the kids and my Dad was able to house sit.
Will let the pictures do the talking. Signing off, Tada! If this resolution list is able to help even one single person, my motto behind this post would get fulfilled! Stay happy folks! Grateful for another healthy year ❣️

'This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.'

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  1. Thanks you for sharing this unique useful information content with us. Really awesome work. keep on blogging artificial flowers wholesale

    1. The best part I like about your post is the pics you have posted. Amazing confidence ! Every word of yours is inspiring

  2. Love the wonder woman on the cake and your resolutions! Keep it up!

  3. I like making resolutions but not annual, might be weekly or monthly. The reason behind this is that I believe in doing things within shorter timespan as no one knows where we will be even in days time as Pandemic taught us life is really unpredictable. To explain my view on resolution one hindi song I remember which fits well " jiyo to har pal aisa jiyo jaisa ki akhri ho" My resolution is live life the way it comes.

  4. Resolution is made to happen but it eventually doesn't, nice post.

  5. Lovely pictures. These are great resolutions. We don't need new year to set resolutions. We can set them any time. The idea is to follow through.

  6. Amazing write up....I loved reading this. Keep writing and keep shining.

  7. These are more of way to healthy and happy life than just resolutions. I loved each and every point and specially loved your photos . You look great and I am sure by following the points you have enumerated everyone can have positivity and healthy lifestyle.

  8. Loved the vibe of the post. Particularly the resolutions. We need to invest in ourselves too to live our very best. No place for guilty feelings there.

  9. wonder woman! wow! if u practice your resolutions I'm sure u will be much more than that Jana😊. What caught my eye the most was, 'stop yelling at kids'... I tell myself so much that I shouldn't but I still can't help it.
    P.S: loved your pics

  10. Nice to see you putting yourself out there. we are all wonder women inside...we can follow your footsteps and bring it out there!

  11. Very well penned. These aren't just resolutions; they're paths to a healthier and happier life. Every point was interesting to me. Love the cake 🎂.

  12. I normally dont make any new year resolutions. But having said that, I do make resolutions that I feel are necessary for improving my own life. Whatever the case, if you believe in what you have set out to achieve, you will automatically persevere.

  13. Love this list you've highlighted but after just watching Top Gun, that "just do" stuck on my mind and have been gravitated on doing that. This is one thing I would surely advice people who want to make a difference in their life. Make no mistake though thinking that it would be an easy job to do. As always, saying is much more easier than taking action.

  14. Will say this post was so relatable felt I was nodding in agreement at so many points. Its time for implementation.

  15. I wrote a similar post on my 40th birthday. I shared all my learnings, my moods and also got narcissistic. Haha. Have fun. Your resolutions are right on point!

  16. Happiest birthday wishes! It may have been your birthday, but I am gifting myself your list of resolutions :D I hope you can achieve all that you have planned for yourself and more!

  17. Such a wisefull resolution. I did stop procastination when pandemic hit. A good happy life is my goal now. Loved all your points, especiallly drink waters, have one fruit a day. Need to start that too :P

  18. The points that you are following are very nice indeed. I am not much into resolutions these days. However, one thing I have learnt through experience is living every moment and being with those who have been with me during my bad times.

  19. Great resolutions, I must say. I never make any though. However, your post is encouraging and must say lovely clicks.

  20. Keep the spirit high. I too believe in living the life to the fullest. I don't believe in resolutions but self care and self love do not require any reasons. All the best dear.

  21. Resolutions are meant to be broken :) Almost all do not last for more than a day.Then it is back to the same old story. I truly respect those who stick on to them

  22. I'll say that this post was so relatable that I found myself nodding in agreement at several points. It is now time for action.

  23. I am in love with your post...i mean seriously..just loved it .keep inspiring

  24. Looks like you had a great time and love the cake! Your resolutions are real and relatable.
